revolution yoga

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

September Revolution Yoga Intention of the Month: Community

September Revolution Yoga intention of the Month: Community
By Bec Gathmann and Amanda DiGiovanna

Before we opened Revolution Yoga we created our intention, which was to define, build and create a dynamic community of yogis, on and off the mat. Brick by brick, to build a center where we can grow, body and soul, and exponentially share that growth with the people in our lives.

Community is everything. If you want to see a preview of your life 10 years down the road, look at the people around you, who you share all of your time, thoughts, dreams and aspirations with. Those who expose you to new ideas, movies, books, and experiences. It’s no wonder we start to become like the people in our closest circles. We form rituals and patterns together, all being creatures of habit, it’s the way our brains are built.

Coined “social contagion”, if your friends have healthy habits you will too. If your friends have unhealthy habits it’s very likely you will follow suit, even if it’s as subtle as an unhealthy thought. That’s why it is so important to carefully choose who you have in your circle. If someone around you is trashing your dreams, you may start to believe them. An idea is a powerful thing, it turns into a thought pattern and our thought patterns define our actions; where we go and what we do in life.

If we water the seeds of our dreams with doubt, they will never blossom. Instead this month with the cycle of a new Fall Season among us, we are calling for a ‘mind revolution’ of sorts. Water your dreams and passions with inspiration every day. Surround yourself with people who uplift you, encourage you and challenge you to be better. It strengthens your resolve to be with like minded folk. It will reinforce the peace you are trying to find on the path of yoga. There will be ups and downs so it's important to keep good company to keep you walking down the right path making you the one who “contaminates’ your friends and family with happiness. It's a brilliant cycle where everyone benefits.

Revolution is the hub of the wheel, around which spins the beautiful people and practices; asana, philosophy, breath, devotion, self-study -solidifying this intentional community. By coming into this space the students and teachers are growing together, day by day we are giving ourselves that little extra “oomph” to go out and grab our dreams. We get that burst of inspiration and energy to look fear in the face and say “forget you, I’m going for it.”

By constantly learning we refine our practice; we refine our bodies, we refine our minds, and we ground ourselves in the present moment. By being present, we are better wives, husbands, mothers, fathers, children, friends, workers, we become better towards strangers and use each breath to reconnect with the world around us. You are changing your community and the world by bettering yourself and serving your highest potential. So shed whatever and whoever is holding you back.

Peace and Love,
Amanda DiGiovanna and the good folks at Revolution Yoga.

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